Blake is a great soccer player. We had so much fun watching him play this year. He does an awesome job anticipating the other team and running down field to play defense. His coach is an old friend that used to live next to some of our cousins. Blake would go to the practices and games and tell his coach random (but true) stories, like how I mailed a toenail to my sister, Jill. That's another blog...or not. One day during a game we saw Blake's fascination with gadgets shine through. His coach gave him a high five and that put the coach's shiny, "expensive" watch into view. We saw Blake's gaze go from the high five to the wrist and then he reached out and grabbed his coaches hand and started chit-chatting about watches in the middle of the game. Gotta love that kid. These games were a family event and we enjoyed the park afterwards....
ps- there's a great little book written by Mia Hamm that is titled "Winners Never Quit".
We just signed up Seth to play soccer this fall. He is way excited. Maybe Blake can teach him a few tricks! I love the "masagna" post - kids are hilarious.
That awesome that he is finally getting it! Sam just loves to run back and forth on the field. And I'm pretty sure we need to read the toenail story...
I am seriously laughing to hard at the watch story. I think Blake is a prime example of the truth that kids are born with their own personality. Where would he learn that!
Did he tell his coach about the taste bud you mailed to your college roommate?
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