Monday, February 4, 2008

Overheard...a young boys view on dating.

Ethan: "There's a person at our school who has red hair."
Blake: "No Way!" (chuckling as if that's so rare)

Blake: "Only clowns have red hair. Actually, my girlfriend has red hair."
Ethan: "Alexis doesn't have red hair."

Mom: "Blake, I didn't know you had a girlfriend!"
Blake: "I don't. You have to be in college to have a girlfriend."

Side note: Alexis is our 10 year-old neighbor. Blake really does love to have her around, especially if she lets him play her DS. Also, Blake thinks that he has to be in college to get a car, cell phone, silver watch, and a girlfriend. Originally I told him that he had to wait until then for his own car and phone. He just added the girlfriend and watch criteria today. Both in seperate conversations, I might add. (His mind is constantly churning- you can see it in his eyes.) This stretch of the truth (I don't "lie" to my kids) was done to stop the continual pleas for his own phone until he and Ethan figured out that our nephew has all of these things and is in middle school. Great.


Little Baby Manning said...

HA! Those cute boys will never make it past 6th gared without having girls knocking down their door! Good luck with that :)

Justin and Jill said...

I seriously want to hang out with Blake everyday! I love the part about him thinking that red-hair is so rare. You should blog the conversation about death...

By the way, I tagged you. Read my blog and then follow the same format.

Jake, Teylor, Walker & Hayes said...

ha ha!! Too funny! Laughing at red hair - then realizing his "girlfriend" has red hair!! ha ha! I can't stop laughing!